In this year of Divine Acceleration, what is the Holy Spirit saying to us as we begin to journey into 2024? This month, the Holy Spirit is calling us to get on our marks. We all have participated in a race, or have seen one, no? Once it is time for the race to start, the athletes line up on their tracks; they take their posture of “flight” and wait for the referee’s call. “ON YOUR MARK” does not mean to run yet, but rather, it is the first sign that the race is really happening and has begun. It is a call to order, to pay attention to the next command. Usually, there are many things that an athlete will do to respond to the ‘on your mark’ call. He/she bends down/lies low, puts his/her hands on the starting line, adjusts his/her starting blocks to avoid slipping as they stride forward at the sound of the starter's pistol. January is the month to set things in order before you take “flight”. Do not just run into the new year without any form of preparation, plan, or strategy. Our anchor Scripture for the year tells us that when the hand of God came upon Elijah, he girded up his loins. He pulled up his cloak and tucked it into his belt; he took care of the loose “shoelaces” that might trip him or get in his way; he laid aside every besetting sin [things/weights that slow down] so that he could run the race that was set before him (1 Kings 18:46, Heb 12:1). The lighter and freer you are, the faster you will move. This January, take time to pray, commit the year to God, plan, and do the needful, whatever that looks like for you. Remember that the way you start a thing determines how the next and rest will go for you. Lay a good foundation for the new year. It is a new chapter, a new slate, make sure to start well.

One of the many metaphors Apostle Paul likened the Christian to in 2 Timothy 2 is an athlete (vs. 5). He said that “...if anyone enters competitive games, he is not crowned unless he competes lawfully (fairly, according to the laid-down rules)” [AMP]. NLT says to follow the Lord’s rules or you are disqualified and win no prize. Again, as you get on your mark, make sure you know and are willing to run by the rules and principles of God. You will get nowhere with and nothing from God if you are unfaithful to His principles and instructions for living. This means avoiding distractions, no lazing around, watching your spiritual diet and eating right because the journey is long (you know athletes have to watch what they eat, and they have to pass a drug test) [1 Kings 19:7-8]. It means growing, serving, making the most of opportunities, loving God unreservedly and unashamedly. Gird up your loins!

As we take our marks, and get set to experience divine acceleration, it is pertinent that we must have Jesus in our boat. In John 6:16-21 we find a very interesting story of how willingly accepting Jesus and having Him with us in life can accelerate our movement. The disciples were trapped in a storm out at sea, but the Bible records that as they received Him into the boat, “immediately they arrived at the shore towards which they had been slowly making their way.” (John 6:21, AMP). It would therefore be unwise and energy-consuming to step into the unknown waters of the new year without Jesus in His rightful place in our lives. Do you want to accelerate this year? Have you taken the right posture on the tracks of destiny? Are you on your mark? Get ready to run, listen out for the “whistle”, let your eyes be focused ahead of you, don’t be distracted, tie every loose “shoelace”, make sure Jesus is in your “boat”, and you will experience unusual acceleration this year in Jesus’ name. 

In our weekly Sunday series, we will be examining: Getting Ready to Start, Winning Mentality, Be Mindful of the Weather, Four Ds to Success and Trusting the Master. Do not miss any!

2024 is blessed for you! Once again, happy new year, and welcome to the month of January.


