Prov 22:28; Jer 6:16; Job 24:2; Pro 23:10

“Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set”

It is another new month. I welcome you to the eight month of the year - August. Our theme for the month is “The Ancient Landmark.” A landmark in the most simplified way is anything that is easily seen and recognized from a distance, especially one that enables someone to describe, identify and establish their location. It is something on a land (location or place) that marks it out. The Eiffel Tower, the Great wall of China, the Statue of Liberty are all landmarks. Usually, when one is navigating an unknown location, you look out for landmarks to help you remember your way. This is what a landmark does, it is a pointer or an indicator. A landmark can also mean a boundary that defines a territory. So for instance, a fence is raised to define or mark your portion of land. A landmark can also be likened to a pattern, a set of values, truths, that have been established and walked in over a period of time. Regardless of the context, a landmark is meant to be fixed or permanent.

Before the era of the use of computerized records, surveying equipment, fencing of fields,  iron pins etc, posts or stones at intersections of adjacent fields usually marked property boundaries and lines. A thief or untrustworthy person could easily move or remove such a marker in order to expand his own field at the expense of the owners of the adjoining fields. The warning from heaven is to protect real property rights of owners. However, there is the additional lesson that the ‘markers of the apostolic faith’ once delivered to the saints should not be altered either, lest the truth be compromised with error.

In Jer 6:16, God said to “...ask for the old (ancient) paths…the good way.” The Message translation calls it “the tried and true road.” God’s word is that tried and true way (Ps 12:6); His laws define our boundaries as His children. Yes, we are free in Christ, but this freedom is within the constraints of grace; we are not to live as we please, doing whatever we want, but whatever pleases our God. As christians, there are traits and characters that are meant to serve as landmarks for the world around us, things that identify us for who we are. But then, we live in a time and age where men have itching ears; they want the “truth” that appeals to them, the “truth” that validates the wrong they do (2 Tim 4:3-4). Sin and what we know to be wrong is being redefined. People adjust the Truth of Scriptures to fit the “new generation”. However, the Bible tells us that we can do nothing against the truth (2 Corith 13:8). There is no new generation gospel; God’s word is truth, forever settled in heaven, unchanging through time, and valid for all generations. The word of God is above and ahead of any civilization. Moreover, ALL unrighteousness is sin (1 John 5:17a), and no one can change God’s stance on this. When we begin to adjust landmarks, when we begin to justify wrongs and excuse certain sins, we are pushing the boundaries, moving the landmark against God’s will. And there are consequences - grievous ones.

If we truly want to live lives that please God, to live a victorious and impactful christian life, we must be ready to abide by the rules of the kingdom into which we have been called. God is raising for Himself an army of men, men of character and principle who will not compromise on what is right; men who will not be swayed by the doctrines of devils and the cunningly devised lies of the enemy; men who will not question what is true, nor seek to redefine the truth to their own lustful gains. Jer 6:16 concludes by telling us that those who choose to walk the good old paths find rest for their souls. 

Do you know that in this generation, we can be “current” and relevant without forsaking unchanging biblical truth - some timeless truths, some spiritual “ancient landmarks”, that will expand the kingdom of God today just as they did in the time of old. Proven historical landmarks don’t change with time and cultural shifts - Malachi 3:6 says,  I am the LORD, I change not…; James 1:17 says   ...the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning; Hebrews 13:8 declares Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Therefore, we don’t need to reinvent God, and we don’t need to reinvent the “church”. What we do need to do is to embrace God’s unchanging New Testament pattern and (Jude 3) to live out and “contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints”.

We need to get back to God’s Word. Some people have neglected it, and some others have ignored it. Our generation needs people who will not remove the ancient landmark. Secure the landmarks of the Christian faith; we have the divine responsibility to make sure that the landmarks are not removed from their place (Jude 1:3b). As Prov 22:28 specifically warned against shifting or removing the ancient landmark set by our fathers -“Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set”. In the series, we shall explore the ancient landmarks set by our fathers and the consequences of removing them. Shalom!


